Train to Somewhere


Train to Somewhere

by Eve Bunting





Summary:  This story is about fourteen children who are headed West on an orphan train.  One of the orphans, Marianne, is expecting to find her mother, who told her she was heading West and would come back for her.  But stop after stop, there is no sign of her mother.  No one shows interest in plain, shy Marianne either until the final stop, a place called Somewhere. 


Train to Somewhere_Lesson Plan


Additional lesson plan and activities for Train to Somewhere:

From National Orphan Train Complex

From Houghton Mifflin


Another orphan train book (Grades 4-7) Orphan Train Rider: One Boy's True Story (includes lesson plans)

Orphan Train Video

Orphan Train Helpful Links

NCSS Theme - Individuals_Groups_and_Instititutions

Social Studies Standard - History

Book Title


Page created by Shannon Overdahl